4 Blind Spots of a Smart Person Like You

Karthik Rajan
4 min readOct 18, 2017

The power of small habits that multiply up.

You are smart. Yet a few invisible habits hold you back. Through the years, I had the privilege of observing some of the smartest people. Here are what I found holds them back.

  1. Linear Conversation

About 9 years ago, during training in Europe, one of the coaches took me aside on the last day and shared, “do you know what camp you fall under?”

I gave him a dazed look. He added, “Non-linear thinker. Do you know what you need to be aware of?”

I figured it was best to listen, he added, “Thinking can be non-linear. When you articulate your thoughts — it is most comforting for audience when it is linear.”

I have observed conversations since. There is some truth to what he said — but not 100%. Some great minds are all over the map when they communicate. Others pursue the rigor of depth with linear narration but run out of time or burn out before reaching the destination.

The selective few — state the end with a summary and then pursue the linear narration.

2. Climb up the U

When it comes to decision, many go with their gut. That is the top start of the U [left side]. The “rigorous few” call this top of the U — the hypothesis to test…



Karthik Rajan

Stories to fuel your mind. Theme: life’s hidden treasures in plain sight. Goal: Warm tone, solid content, crisp stories. About me: one google search away.