23 Most Profound Lines Ever Written, According to One Person (Me)

These lines deftly changed my perspective.

Karthik Rajan
3 min readSep 20, 2022
Photo by Emm & Enn
  1. Airplane oxygen rule principle of taking care of myself first so I can take care of others is possibly the biggest life lesson hidden in plain sight.
  2. Just because you believe you can doesn’t mean you can. It means — you can at some cost. And take the time to figure out that cost.
  3. The first word to come to your mind when you think of the word investment is not money but relationships.
  4. Make a hobby out of networking. You are actually one connection away from greatness — that one job, that one contract etc.
  5. The fear of outliving your money cannot come in the way of the living through your experiences that truly matter for you.
  6. Tomorrow is never about it being your last day, rather tomorrow should be embraced with the grace and gratitude of one more bonus day.
  7. If you want to go fast, do it alone. If you want to go far, do it in a group.
  8. Being helpful is less about being kind to others and more about making sure what you do doesn’t come across as a dole out. Dignity of charity matters.
  9. Relationship matter. Invest in them for long term. Most people consume their…



Karthik Rajan

Stories to fuel your mind. Theme: life’s hidden treasures in plain sight. Goal: Warm tone, solid content, crisp stories. About me: one google search away.